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Simple Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe – Learn with Experts

Easy Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe - Learn with Experts

Easy Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe - Learn with Experts

Simple Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe – Learn with Experts:  You won’t find a simpler way to prepare this substantial morning tortilla pizza! Imagine a morning burrito dressed up with a toasted exterior. This is an excellent option for feeding children, as they are able to personalize their own breakfast pizza in whatever way they chose.

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Simple Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe – Learn with Experts


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  1. Pre-heat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit).
  2. Apply butter to the bottom and sides of a cake pan that is either 8 or 9 inches in diameter. Place the tortilla in the pan that has been buttered and press it down against the sides. Crack each egg on the tortilla so that they are adjacent to one another. First, season with salt and pepper, and then equally distribute the toppings of your choice on top.
  3. In an oven that has been warmed, bake the tortilla for thirteen to fifteen minutes, or until the egg whites have set and the tortilla has become gently browned and toasted along the edges and bottom.
simple Breakfast Tortilla Pizza Recipe – Learn with Experts


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Nutrition Facts


Q1 What is tortilla pizza made of?
Ans. I created it by cutting a large tortilla in half to create two layers, spraying the bottom with spray (such a genius! ), placing a small amount of Mexican cheese in between the layers, and covering it with pasta sauce (I know, it’s lame, but that’s what I had), spinach, and mozzarella cheese. It was a pretty simple and straightforward preparation.
Q2 What does breakfast pizza contain?
Ans. Eggs that have been soft-scrambled and are topped with sausage, peppers, onions, or any other topping that you choose for an omelet are included on this pizza. Mozzarella cheese provides the stretch and pull that we adore, while sharp cheddar cheese imparts a tangy flavor.

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