Top 7 Benefits of Drinking Lukewarm Water In Morning

Lukewarm Water for Digestive system 

After digesting various foods the day before, the food pipe would still have remains. A glass of warm water in the morning flushes out these remains. Lukewarm or hot water removes greasiness, which is excellent for junk food eaters.

Lemon and lukewarm water for Weight loss 

Drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach boosts metabolism and body temperature, making it ideal for weight loss. This boosts weight loss through diet and exercise by burning more fat. Add lemon drops if possible. 

Lukewarm water Strengthens Immune system 

A glass of hot water with lime in the morning provides vitamin C and potassium, which boosts the immune system. Absorption is faster when the stomach is empty. 

Maintains the body’s pH balance 

As the ascorbic acid and citric acid are broken down and flushed out of the body, the pH level rises. Drinking cold water can help your body keep the right pH level.

Keeps you positive throughout the day 

When you start your day with a fresh juicy lime, not only does it smell amazing, but it also has the potential to be one of the best mood enhancers.

Lukewarm water benefits for Skin and hair 

Hydration is crucial to excellent skin, and a glass of warm water in the morning helps. We get sick and age when we amass poisons. A morning glass of hot luke water detoxifies and repairs skin cells and suppleness.

Gargling with lukewarm water 

Gargle with 8 ounces of lukewarm water with one teaspoon of salt to reduce mouth pain during orthodontic treatment. Swirl it in your mouth and expel it. It will reduce pain. 

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