Top 7 Zodiac Signs That Do Well in Creative Fields

Pisces is the most creative. Pisceans' airy and poetic temperament, ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and inspiration, inspires their creativity.


Next is the adaptable and witty Gemini. Geminis are creative and curious, driven by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect.


Moon-ruled Cancers are sensitive and intuitive, connecting to their emotions and the world. 


Venus rules Libra, the peaceful and artistic sign. Libras are naturally balanced and proportioned, making them good artists.


Venus rules Libra, the peaceful and artistic sign. Libras are naturally balanced and proportioned, making them good artists.


The Sun, the planet of self-expression and creativity, rules charismatic Leo. Leos' dramatic flare and desire to be seen and heard drive their creativity.


The creative planet Uranus rules Aquarius, the forward-thinking sign. Aquarians are creative because of their distinct worldview.


See Also

See Also Top 7 Zodiac Signs   That Do Well in Creative Professions