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Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe – Step by Step Guide

Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe - Step by Step Guide

Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe - Step by Step Guide

Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe – Step by Step Guide:  In addition to being a fun and simple way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, a child’s birthday party, lunch, or even dinner for the children, these small heart-shaped naan pizzas are also a great way to celebrate. There is a large population of people who enjoy pizza, and you may top it with whatever you want to make everyone happy. To put them over the top, pepperoni hearts are perfect.

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Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe – Step by Step Guide


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  1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius). When you want to make cleanup easier, line a baking sheet with foil.
  2. To cut each flatbread into a heart shape, use a cookie cutter that is shaped like a heart and measures between 4 and 4 1/2 inches. After placing the flatbreads on the baking sheet that has been prepared, put the pizza sauce on each one in a uniform layer and then sprinkle mozzarella on top.
  3. In the event that you so wish, use a miniature cookie cutter in the shape of a heart to cut each slice of pepperoni into a heart shape, and then set it on top of the mozzarella.
  4. Put the baking sheet in the oven and cook it for nine to eleven minutes, or until the cheese has melted and the crust has turned a golden brown color. Warm the dish.
Mini Heart-Shaped Naan Pizzas Recipe – Step by Step Guide

Nutrition Facts

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