Classic Old Fashioned Recipe

Louisville, KY originated the old fashioned cocktail. You can use bourbon, rye or mixed whisky. You can also use one sugar cube instead of simple syrup. 

– 2 teaspoons simple syrup – 1 teaspoon water – 2 dashes bitter – 1 cup ice cube – 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger bourbon whiskey – 1 slice orange – 1 maraschino cherry


Wavy Line
Flour Bowl

Step 1

Take a whisky glass and pour simple syrup, water and bitters into it. Stir to blend the ingredients. 


Wavy Line
Flour Bowl

Step 2

Pour in the bourbon and then add the ice cubes. Orange slices and maraschino cherries should be used as garnishes. 


Wavy Line

Also See

Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower Recipe