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Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic A Guide

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic A Guide

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide: You can make garlic oil and crispy fried garlic in less than 15 minutes.

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Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide

Serve with soups, pasta, and stir-fries to give them a garlicky crunch. For meat and vegetable stir-fries or as a bread dip, use the oil.

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How to make fried garlic

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide


You Will Need

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How to use fried garlic

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide


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How to use garlic oil

Do not forget the oil that you used to cook the garlic. We can keep it! The oil now tastes like fresh garlic because it was sitting with the garlic over low heat. This is how homemade garlic oil is made! After the oil has cooled down, put it in a jar that won’t let air in. You can keep it in the fridge for up to a month. I like to use it in these ways:

Tantalizingly Crispy Fried Garlic: A Guide


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