Chuck’s Protein Bars Recipe – Learn Like A Pro

Chuck’s Protein Bars Recipe – Learn Like A Pro:- Certain chemicals, like sugar alcohols, can also make some people sick because they can cause gas and bloating. Protein sources: Pick a protein bar that is made with high-quality protein sources, like whey or protein that comes from whole foods, like nuts, seeds, or egg whites.

Chuck’s Protein Bars Recipe – Learn Like A Pro


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • ½ cup sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • ½ cup natural peanut butter, melted
  • 6 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup vanilla protein powder
  • 1 (2 ounce) bar dark chocolate, chopped

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Chuck's Protein Bars Recipe - Learn Like A Pro
Chuck’s Protein Bars Recipe – Learn Like A Pro



  • Bring the oven up to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Prepare a 13×9-inch baking dish by greasing it.


  • In a big bowl, mix together the coconut, brown sugar, cinnamon, oats, sunflower seeds, and sea salt.


  • Mix the peanut butter, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla extract, yogurt, and more in a different bowl until the mixture is smooth. Then add it to the oats and mix it in to coat. Add the protein powder and chocolate to the mixture, and then spread it out in a baking dish that has been prepped.


  • Put in a hot oven and bake for about 15 minutes, or until golden.


  • 330Calories
  • Fat16g
  • Carbs 26g
  • Protein 24g


How to start a business making energy bars?

  • Do study on the market.
  • Come up with a recipe.
  • Make sure you follow all of the U.S. Food Administration’s rules for labeling, health, and nutrition by reading all of the recommendations.
  • Make materials for selling and packaging.
  • Find the items.
  • Choose a plan for sales and marketing.
  • Get your goods out there.

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